Notes From the 6 Train: Gettin’ Down w/ the Green

We now officially in fall! Yay! The fall solstice just passed, and that means that begins the countdown on our warm & sunny days. Here are a few things you should do (aka things I’ve did) before fall is gone and winter is here!
Living in a city without many natural landscapes to escape to is challenging for me. I don’t have a car nor do I know how to drive, so though there are many places upstate to go, not being able to drive seventy limits those options. However, I am not easily deterred. I need nature to maintain my sanity, so I found some cheat-codes to connect with nature if you don’t have the time, or money or ability to take a trip upstate. I began volunteering at a community garden.


I also took a hike to Wave Hill to check out their botanical gardens. It was so peaceful and serene. I felt as if I wasn’t even in NYC anymore. I won’t do much writing about it, and let the photos speak for themselves.


Thus far, I have been keeping up with my goal of being outside a lot, and am looking forward to even more exploration while the weather holds up!
What about you? Have you been maintaining your goals you set for this semester?

All Things Color, Love & Fashion,
Ayanna Lane