So yesterday was Earth Day! What did you do to celebrate? Hug a tree? Plant a tree? Thank the Earth for all that it provides for us everyday?
If you weren’t able to celebrate yesterday, there is still a chance for you to thank our mother Earth!
You can start by watching this video about how all our stuff is made, what happens to this stuff when it gets trashed, and why you should care.
Additionally, you can attend the Green Festival this weekend.
The Green Festival is the U.S’s longest running sustainability & green living event. It brings together all who concerned about the well being of the Earth & connect them with retailers that share their same concerns. The website describes itself as “Green Festival® is a vibrant, dynamic marketplace where companies and organizations come to showcase their green products and services, and where people go to learn how to live healthier, more sustainable lives. Green Festival is a unique and powerful platform for CONNECTING potential customers, retailers, wholesalers and corporations – all under one roof. It provides excellent opportunities for green brands to generate business-to-business and business-to-consumer sales, build awareness and strengthen relationships in an expansive and engaging green marketplace.”
If sustainability is something you’re interested in, this could potentially be a great place to network.
All Things Color, Love & Fashion,
Ayanna Lane