University Pressure

They say that college/university is supposed to be the best 4 years of your life.  It’s a chance to be free from home yet still taken care of by your guardians.  I think to set yourself up to make something the best 4 years of your life is setting yourself up to have fake fun for the sake of the fear of missing out.  I know that university won’t be the best 4 years of my life because I dedicate myself 2000% to my education and my future career to ensure that I will have a stable career and a certain lifestyle post-graduation.  I see the front desk people of the gym more than I see my friends.  I couldn’t tell you the last time that I explored New York, but these are all my choices.  But planning and trying to make 4 years the best 4 years of your life puts a lot of pressure on you.  You’re allowed to do what you want to do, but don’t feel forced by the social norms of college.  There isn’t a college checklist or bucket list of things or events or milestones that you must accomplish by graduation.  Dedicate yourself to you and not what you think your high school classmates expect you to post on Instagram.  Live for you and make your FIT college experience your own experience.  Write your own stories.


One reply on “University Pressure”

  1. I absolutely couldn’t agree more. Love this. Life isn’t about posting Instagram selfies or making a “cool” snapchat story. Its about doing what makes you and the future you happy. Yes! Can’t wait to make my own college experience.
    -xx K

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