(At my birthday party in South Korea)
This past Wednedsay I went (by went, I mean was obligated to attend, lol) to International Night hosted by the Presidental’s Honor’s Program. Buuut, I am so glad that I did! I learned about a number of interesting programs/ opportunities possible for FIT Students.
At the colloquium we heard from a number of scholars who studied abroad within the last school year (winter, summer, as well as the traditional school year). One of which was a fellow FIT blogger Emily (shout out!). We heard their travel stories and saw their beautiful photos from Paris, India, Florence, Italy, in addition to a host of other countries.A topic that was discussed in great detail, and rightly so, was how to fund a trip abroad. I find this to be student’s primary obstacle in regards to studying abroad, so I’m glad it was covered so thoroughly.
Funding for study abroad is the same as studying domestically (financial aid, PELL grant, out of school grants or loans), but there are also a number of scholarship offered only for studying abroad. The scholarships to study abroad at FIT are listed below:
Global Scholar Award Program, the amount varies depending on the semester you plan to travel, NY residency, etc. (Summer 2015, Fall 2015 and Spring 2016). The deadline is Dec. 1
If you are/ are considering in the Presidental Scholar’s Program you are eligable for the scholarhsips listed below:
Jerome L. Greene Foundation International Studies Fund (up to $10,000)
Jodi Tilton Memorial Scholarship for Summer Study Abroad ($2000)
Henry Wolf Presidential Scholars Summer Abroad Scholarship (up to $5000).
These are in addition to the annual FIT scholarships and can also be applied to study abroad. This also does not mean that your search for funding stops here, there are countless scholarships offered outside of FIT.
In addition to studying abroad, representative from The Peace Corps & The Fulbright Program came to speak.
The Peace Corps is an organization that sends volunteers to travel overseas to make differences in the lives of real people. They program was established by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. Sine the creation of the program over 215,000 Americans joined the Peace Corps and served in 139 countries.
“The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides grants for individually designed study/research projects or for English Teaching Assistant Programs. A candidate will submit a Statement of Grant Purpose defining activities to take place during one academic year in a participating country outside the U.S.”
There are two different components of Fulbright. Anyone who chooses to apply can submit an application for the study/research grants or to teach English abroad. This program is interesting to me personally because it gives more freedom to the applicant. As long as your study/ research programs fits into certain parimeters, you can actualize your vision in a foregin country. Nearly anyone can apply; college graduates, artists, writers, scientists, etc., basically anyone with an imagination and drive.
There are so many ways to get out and explore the world! As an avid traveler myself, I know life altering traveling can be. With so many opportunities, there’s no reason you shouldn’t take advantage!
(FIT Study Abroad Scholarships) http://www.fitnyc.edu/12226.asp
(Peace Corps) http://www.peacecorps.gov/about/
(Fulbright Program) http://us.fulbrightonline.org/about
All things Color, Love, & Fashion,
Ayanna L.
U have an amazing experience. I enjoyed every part of ur post