Midterm Tips – Memorization Edition

With the dreaded middle of the semester comes midterms.  Sometimes it’s a relief because there is so much anticipation for the actual exam that it’s good once it’s over.  But with some of my midterms, I just can’t get the information engrained in my head.  So here are some tips and tricks that I use to help memorize sequences such as dates, places, and artwork…aka Art History.

  1. Write things over and over again.  Studies show that this actually works!  If you write things down more than once, you are more likely to remember them.
  2. Come up with a jingle.  I’m no singer, but this definitely helps… Berlinghieri…St.Francis…1243…Tempera.
  3. Record yourself saying what needs to be memorized and listen to it on repeat while simultaneously saying it out loud.  I am definitely going to listen to the recording as I’m about to fall asleep (creepy…? weird? Whatever works!)
  4. Have your friends quiz you!  If you are friends with someone in your class, have a study date!  You are both helping each other out and you learn the material more when you are teaching someone else!
