This past Saturday, I attended the CFDA/Cosmpolitan Fashion Career Summit at Hearst Tower. The day started at 8:15 with registration and breakfast (the muffins were to die for). The event consisted of various sessions with multiple speakers in each session. Some of the speakers were Joanna Coles (the Editor-in-Chief of Cosmpolitan), Cynthia Rowley, Jenn Rogien (Costume Designer for “Girls” and “Orange Is the New Black”), the fabulous and opinionated, Tom Fitzgerald and Lorenzo Marquez, Isaac Mizrahi, and my all-time favorite, Alix Campbell who is the Photography Director at Cosmopolitan. Usually at these sort of magazine events, people from the photography department at the magazine aren’t represented or talked about, so I was extremely, extremely happy that I saw Alix up there. Overall, I think that some of the sessions could’ve been shorter with the networking reception being longer, but I learned a lot and it was great to meet a lot of people in the business. I passed out a lot of my Psst…Hey You… cards and received a lot of positive feedback from that. Being in such a positive environment really motivated me to work even harder. I am excited to attend next year and I highly recommend it to anyone here at FIT!