How to Master Registration – Freshman Addition

Being a first year college student, every single day is a learning experience.  There are many things here at FIT that I’m trying to figure out or have yet to figure out.  However, I think I’m pretty good at understanding how the registration game works.  If you are an incoming freshman, you will register for your first semester classes the summer leading up to your first semester.  For the second semester, you register in early November.  Sounds simple?  Maybe not.

  1. YOU GOT IN!  CONGRATULATIONS!  When you applied, you already chose your major.  With that being said, you can now look at classes that you are required to take.  By all means, you are more than welcome to take classes that aren’t required for your major, I won’t stop you….and neither will your computer when you go to register.  (I’ll get to that later.)
  2. Depending on what major you are, go to and click on your major.  From there, click on “Curriculum” located on the left hand side of your screen typically under “Related Links.”  From there, you click on your year/type of degree program (Ex: 2-year Associate Program for Advertising and Marketing Communications Fall 2013).  The website will give you an outline of your next 1-2 years at FIT, broken up by semester.
  3. Check to see what classes are required for your major!  You can do this by scrolling down on the course outline that I discussed above to view your major specific SUNY general education requirements.  Do your research and see what courses are allowed and not allowed to be taken as a student of a certain major.
  4. Map everything out.  Make a mock schedule.  You can view what courses are being offered by going to your myFIT account – Student Tab – Registration – Look up classes to add.  *Note, not all classes are offered every semester, so plan accordingly.  Look at previous years to see what classes were offered for each given semester.
  5. It’s time to register!  When you applied, you received a myFIT login user and password. ALWAYS check this account/email to stay updated.  Sometimes, FIT isn’t so great at advanced reminders.  So that this blog post doesn’t get excessively long, this link explains how to physically sign up for your classes online.
  6. May the odds be ever in your favor. (It’s not that scary 🙂 )
