Fashion Institute of Technology’s Blogroll

Current  FIT Blogs in Alphabetical Order:

Admissions Office: Students blog about their lives at FIT.

Archive on Demand: FIT’s Archive on Demand offers a glimpse into the world of lectures, events, and instruction happening on our campus.

ArtSpeak: Project created by the Fine Arts department consisting of a number of different forums, including, but not limited to a lecture series, this blog, and student work.

FBM: Fashion Business Merchandising, where fashion gets down to business.

FIT in Florence: A blog written by FIT students studying Fashion Design and Fashion Merchandising Management in Florence.

Global Fashion Management: News from FIT’s graduate studies program in Global Fashion Management.

Hot Topics Insider: Highlighting Hot Topic programs offered through FIT’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies.

Material Mode: From the FIT Library’s department of Special Collections and FIT Archives; highlights the many treasures we are proud to have as part of our collection.

On My Mind: Thoughts and observations from FIT President Dr. Joyce F. Brown.

Precollege Programs at FIT: Highlighting experiences and stories of Precollege students, faculty, and staff.

School of Art & Design: News and updates from the Dean’s Office of the School of Art & Design.

The HomePage: From the Home Product Development Department, The HomePage is a blog created by faculty members and students discussing all things “home.”

Volumes & Issues: Volumes & Issues is maintained by the Periodicals department in FIT’s Library, bringing news of ideas, events, and publications from our collections.