Moving…What to do

So I have officially moved into an apartment.  I will not lie and I must say that moving was one of the most stressful experiences throughout my college term thus far.  You will think that you don’t have a lot of stuff, but you will immediately question if you are a hoarder while you are packing.

  • I highly recommend keeping a stash of boxes that you’ve accumulated.  I held onto the boxes that I used to move in this past summer which made it incredibly easy for me to pack up before anyone got there to help me.
  • Look at furniture before you approach IKEA.  The initial IKEA trip is a massive feat.  Look at the furniture that you’re interested in online and print out the information for that furniture.  You’ll be able to better recognize the furniture in store to see if you really like it, rather than looking around for hours (the options are endless).  Also, if you know what you want, you can always ask a trusty, IKEA employee (always willing to help)!
  • Bring a dolly!  I don’t know what I would have done without a dolly.  It truly saved my life and my sanity, as well as my parents who helped me move in and out.  You don’t think you’ll need it, but you will.
  • Bed Bath & Beyond will be your best friend.  They are the more convenient IKEA for purchasing smaller things such as a shower caddy, bath mat, etc.
  • Stock up on toilet paper and paper towel if you can.  If you have the space for it, see if someone can bring you a Costco portion size of these items.  It’ll save you the monthly trip to the nearest Duane Reade where 4 rolls of toilet paper will be anywhere from $5-6.  You could be spending those $6 on better things like….frozen yogurt (treat yourself).

Best of luck!