Hey everyone, here I have composed a list of websites you should sign up to in order to make your college experience complete. (Yeah, I can see you being like I don’t want any junk mail in my inbox.) All I’ve got to say is give it a try, I’m sure you won’t regret it.
The Center for Communication is all about experiencing the side of business you don’t see as students, including seminars, workshops and on-site visits. Thanks to them I have been to Google HQ, Gilt Groupe HQ and Cohn & Wolfe HQ. (You will learn networking is what WE live off.)
– http://www.dailycandy.com/new-york/
Daily Candy is for women, urban-explorers who are constantly seeking what’s new out there, from fashion to food. Thanks to them I was able to meet Tory Burch when FNO was still running.
Is the men’s version. (yeah, you must be wondering why I’m signed up haha, but you never know, besides I need creative ideas for my bf’s x-mas gifts) An essential city guide for guys who have limited time, but want to make the most of it.
– http://ilovefreeconcerts.com/
My personal favorite! The name pretty much says it all. This website offers an array of free music concerts throughout New York City for the tastes of hipsters and fashionistas alike. Thanks to them I saw Cold Play live from about 5 ft. away and won tickets to Moenia.
– http://guestofaguest.com/new-york/
I would say if you need an invite to an event be it cultural, fashionable, or themed event this is the way to go. As the name indicates it is your free ride to events, they have built one of the most comprehensive event calendars.
Life is just one big adventure, and Zozi makes it affordable for you. They make everyone’s passions accessible, and they help you discover things you never knew you wanted.
Remember to CARPE DIEM!