Students from the junior and senior Home Products program recently traveled together to Chicago to attend the International Home + Housewares Show. The trip included group activities pertaining to “best in booth” judging, fact/inspiration finding for our individual upcoming projects, and a great dinner out together. After our NY Now field trip, we were told […]
Author: Rose Meechan Morton
NY Now!
Our HP 314/Manufacturing & Marketing of Home Product Hard Lines’ (“Hard Home”) second class of the second semester has already included an interesting field trip, to NY Now. Instead of meeting in room 307 as we usually do, we met in the enormous Javits Center, and were advised in advance to wear comfortable shoes and […]
Our recent “Textile Applications: Home Products” assignment was to present comparisons on prices, fiber content, fabric construction and printing method on two soft furnishings. To demonstrate, Professor Cora took class on the road. We met at the brand new (less than a week old at the time!) One Kings Lane store, at 143 Spring Street, […]