Notes From the 6 Train: Revolving Closet Theory

I’ve developed a theory why so many people who reside in New York are fashionable. I’ve named it the revolving closet theory. Essentially, due to the average NY rent ( which is astronomically high if you don’t know) most people (esp, students without consist income) can only afforded a barely live able studio a place …

Notes From the 6 Train: Getting There

As you may have gathered from the name of portion of the blog, I am a commute student. I currently reside in El Barrio (Spanish for neighborhood) in Spanish Harlem, approximately 40 minutes from FIT. In order to get to FIT, I take several trains, the one on which I spend the most is the …

Notes From the 6 Train: Let’s Meet

I’m Ayanna, or Aya. I figure to share just a bit about myself with you guys so that we can build a relationship. Would you trust a stranger? Great, neither would I. I’m from the West End in Atlanta. I lived in a community  of Muslims and Africans and smelled of cocoa butter and incenses. …