New Apparel and Meeting the FIT Community

Hey guys; it’s Liz!
Every Saturday my commute to FIT begins at around twelve when my train arrives. Often times I’ll have to transfer at Jamaica and so I take that time to check out the different styles of everyone on the platform. For a good five minutes or so I become enthralled with the variety of clothes, hair, and makeup that the city has to offer. The train ride itself can be quite lonely, which is why I preoccupy myself with a sketchbook I carry with me on my trips to the city, an idea recommended by my professor. I sketch any idea that comes to mind that I can use for my final clothing line at the end of the spring semester. The city is full of inspiration.


Something extremely interesting was my first ever trip to the Style Shop! Going through the vintage clothing and the clothes that were created by FIT students, I was able to recognize some of the styles, stitching, and fabrics we had touched upon in class. I ended up buying a black jersey that stated “Fashion Institute, New York” on the back with netting on the arms/shoulders and sleeves, along with a silver necklace. I ended up getting two compliments on the jersey while waiting for my train at Penn Station!11094180_748149801964688_1547988731_n

At the Style Shop I had a conversation with a student who attends FIT currently and we found out we were both from similar areas. She was so friendly and willing to offer advice about the school that I felt even more excited to be attending FIT. Being surrounded by older, supportive students is something I find to be very special about FIT and the opportunity that I have to be studying here.

This past week at FIT I’ve been working on perfecting my croquis. Also in class my instructor focused on drawing pleats and the different styles we can incorporate them into. My professor let us know that next class we have a test that will involve designing an outfit with some sort of fabric design incorporated into it. Wish me luck on my exam!

See you soon,
