Every designer knows how frustrating it is to have a mental block. As potential FIT students, we all have a desire to create. However, sometimes we don’t know how to go about starting a project, or we can’t quite duplicate the image in our heads. I want to give you some advice on how to get inspired!
In my Magazine Design Precollege course, my inspiration comes from talking to other people in the class, as well as looking at already-published magazines. During the first few classes, I was having a lot of trouble designing my cover. I couldn’t quite make it match my color scheme, while also having it look like a magazine you might see in a store. However, I spent some time looking through Teen Vogue, Glamour, and Seventeen, and I brought a few of the pages into class. Using them as a guide, I was able to create a design that was original, but also fit the “personality” of my magazine.
Basically, what I’m saying is, it’s okay to get inspiration from other people. It doesn’t make your work any less creative (as long as you aren’t copying, obviously). Looking through other work can trigger your own original thoughts. You may like a certain style or trend, and you can alter it or add your own twist. Just don’t get frustrated – your innovative idea will come soon!
– Marisa