Tag: FIT precollege blog
Starting off the Summer
Summer in New York City is never very much fun. The hot July sun beats down on the buildings, which in turn absorb the heat and effectively turns the city into an oven. FIT, located in midtown, is in the epicenter of this oven. Midtown is never a very pleasant place to be, with all…
New Beginnings
Hi everyone! For those of you who don’t know me from last semester my name is Nicole. Last semester I took the Ins and Outs of Fashion Merchandising class and this semester I will be taking the Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing and Management class. I am so excited to start a new and exciting adventure…
I Hate to Wake You Up to Say Goodbye
Well this is goodbye I guess. I don’t really know who I’m saying goodbye to because I’m not sure if anyone reads these posts except for maybe my mom and few of my fellow bloggers. But to be honest, I don’t really care. I did this more for myself than anyone else. It doesn’t matter…
A Trip to Macy’s!
Hi everyone! This past weekend my Professor invited one of his former students, Bianca, to come and talk to us about her experience working in the fashion industry. Since she works at the Macy’s a few blocks over she was able to take us there and really show us where all of her hard work…
Why I Came to FIT
I am fifteen, soon to be sixteen. And according to almost every adult in my life I am too young to know what I want. I am too young to know anything about the world. Too young to know anything about my future. Too young to know the truth. I am young, I’ll give them…
FIT is right for me!
Hi everyone! This past weekend there were no classes and believe it or not my Saturday felt really empty. Im going to be very honest for a second. Going into this class I was really unsure if I was going to like it or not. I was also concerned that I wouldn’t be able to…