In The Halls: Danie

Student: Danie (18) Bronx, NY
Program: Precollege Intern
Job Title: Social Media Assistant

Describe your personal style?
 I’d like to think I dress like something fuzzy that has a super awesome personality.

Where do you go on your breaks from work?
Dollar Pizza, Taco Bell, or Trader Joes.

What is your favorite thing about interning at FIT?
The opportunity to meet so many of the great professors and students here. It gives you a different perspective on the school itself. My job consists of photographing classes, and updating websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. I love having the opportunity to intern here while still in high school.

Who or what inspires you?
I’m inspired by all forms of art. I try to see the beauty in the little things that most don’t notice.

What do you want to do after you graduate from college?
Be employed! More specifically become an art teacher or possibly even go into toy design.

