Apart from the pieces that I freely get to chose to include in my portfolio are some required pieces. For example, a 3D model of a room or 6 steps to teach someone how to do something. One of the required pieces that I’ve recently been struggling with is designing my self portrait. Not only is this mandatory for the class I am taking, but it is also something I feel that every artist should have. It’s not like I’ve never done a self portrait before, but when I have, it’s been for middle school art class and had to be the most realistic representation of me. Now that I’m trying to make one to add to my portfolio, there aren’t any restrictions. In fact, the more creative the better!
My main problem has been either trying to narrow down the ideas I have so far, or to scratch all of them and find the one idea that I know is perfect. I don’t know if I’m making any sense, but I feel like once I think of the idea, there wont need to be any narrowing down because it will be the perfect idea.
The ideas I’ve thought of so far are:
- a more abstract piece accentuating my hair
- a retro comic bookish illustration
- a comic book but not retro stylish, more realistic
- me morphed with a cat since I am so totally a cat!
- a more realistic representation
I honestly just have no clue. I feel like I need to keep thinking and once I’ve got it and tried it out, I’ll know.
Then after that, comes what medium do I use:
- (a) marker
- (b) pencil
- (c) computer
- (e) collage/photographs
- (d) none of the above?
I just need to find something that accurately represents ME and all the different sides of me, from my performing arts background, to my love for visual art, and pretty much just all art in general.
If anyone has struggled with this issue as well and has any advice for me, I’m gladly accepting via the comments box!
I promise to update once I have made some progress!
Until next time,