“Bringing everything I learned from FIT into this new ‘world’ was challenging and exciting,” writes Alex Lilja of his PH311 International Photographic Study and Practice abroad experience. The summer program, led by incoming chair of FIT’s photography department, Ron Amato, included two weeks in Florence and Milan and three days in Como. photo by Alex Lilja “Surrounded by beautiful…
It just got easier to get published if you’re a member Curtis Willocks’ Photo Club or Introduction to Digital Photography course. In fact, publishing an e- photo book is a class assignment, making this exhibit currently on view in the D lobby a rather professional collection of homework assignments. “Most people take a thousand pictures in…
A Hurly-Burly Capstone Exhibition might be defined as a commotion of artistic expression and wonderment that lures and intrigues the viewer. The Hurly-Burly, an exhibit of master’s in Illustration works, is on display at The Museum through July 2nd. “The show is a wonderful way to bring my ‘mythological hybrids’ to life,” says Lisa Murgo,…
On May 21 at the Society of Illustrators, FIT Illustration profs. Bil Donovan, John Jay Cabuay and Carlos Aponte went on a motion-filled painting and drawing spree and provided commentary of their work. As an engaged audience of fellow FIT faculty, students from FIT, Parsons and SUV, as well as curious fashionistas looked on, the…
All of the hats are beautiful! I love the Royal Ascot hat! I’m sure if Henry Higgins saw it he…
What a delightful story! Thank you for posting it. Warm regards, Kim
School of Art and Design
Art and Design Gallery
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Azhelle, So very proud of you and your success. Watching you grow and thrive while at FIT, there was no…