“Bringing everything I learned from FIT into this new ‘world’ was challenging and exciting,” writes Alex Lilja of his PH311 International Photographic Study and Practice abroad experience. The summer program, led by incoming chair of FIT’s photography department, Ron Amato, included two weeks in Florence and Milan and three days in Como.
- photo by Alex Lilja
“Surrounded by beautiful scenery, architecture, culture, and people, I quickly fell into a niche of exploring ‘off the beaten path,’” writes Alex.
- photo by Alex Lilja
“The people here have such a somber and relaxed lifestyle, which unknowingly to them helped us fulfill our assignments and produce aesthetically pleasing photographs.”
From a post on the FIT Photography in Italy blog (http://fitphotoinitaly.blogspot.com/) by Marvin Menke: “From the vantage of an outsider looking in, I think I learned to appreciate the quiet moments just a little bit more.”“Comfort behind the camera, as well as with our subjects, proved to be essential to us, whether in the studio at the Politecico Di Milano, or out roaming the streets of Florence,” writes Alex.
- Photo by Marvin Menke
“Being in a foreign country, for some of us the first time, can be overwhelming and easily detract from the quality of our photographs. But this was not the case. The amount of time spent outside of class exploring our new city, balanced perfectly with our scheduled museum trips and lesson plans.”
- Photo by Marvin Menke
“Without that structure,” writes Alex, “I feel, we would not have been able to appreciate the culture and history that is Italy.”
For a look at the type of summer abroad courses FIT offers go to: http://fitnyc.edu/3964.asp
All photos used with permission