This Week is Almost Finished & I’m More Excited Than Ever!!!

……This week has been kind of hard  because I had to adapt to this new life food, climate and people. Actually the friends part has gone pretty well; I have met many extraordinary people and each day I get to know them better so that’s awesome.

Yesterday, professor Joanne Galannos, who teaches us fashion art, showed us how to draw a face. I must confess that this has been my nightmare since a was a kid, specially drawing eyes, but today it was amazing how in less than 10 minutes I could draw a complete perfect face with all the details! I was really happy. Have you had that feeling of accomplishment?? Well that happened to me this day.


This class goes by so fast for me because I love to draw. Maybe I’m not good at it but soon I will be. Towards the end of the class the professor told us to choose something that inspires us because our final project is going to be to create a collection of clothes. I am thinking about using my travel experiences as my inspiration  but I am also considering New York City. For now I have to read all kind of travel and fashion magazines. I’ll let you know what I choose.


My second class is and AMC class with Professor  Jeffrey Buchman. Each time I go to this class I am more decided about my future as a Publicist. This week, we saw all the integrated marketing communications activities.  I don’t know which activity is going to be my final assignment for the class but for homework he asked us to analyze an advertisement. Previously in Mexico I took a short advertising course so this was kind of familiar to me. However, sometimes I don’t understandThis the examples given in class. For example, sometimes we talk about a TV series and my classmates mention  shows like Robot Chicken which we do not have in Mexico.  Have you seen it?? My extra homework will be to watch American TV shows  and commercials. That might be the first enjoyable homework I ever had.


I am planning to go to the beach this weekend with my friends. They all want to go to the Jersey shore. Have you been there? What are you plans?





