Tag: Draping

  • Confessions and Draping

    I would like to start this off with a confession. I don’t like bloggers. I never really have, I don’t read many fashion blogs. I believe the cult following that they acquire is indicative to our societal addiction to technology. Although the internet has furthered the reach of fashion, making it tangible to the layman,…

  • Maybe Fashion Does Define Us

    You know how people, mostly people involved in the fashion industry, always talk about how fashion defines them? How without fashion or art, they would have no purpose? I usually find this amusing, while it might be true. As much as I love designing, nothing makes me happier than when I have successfully sewed, draped,…

  • First Day Of School and I’m Back In Action!

    My days of waiting for Precollege classes to begin again are finally over! I’m back in action. Now, I have to wait out this dreadful month of March to see if I’ve gotten accepted to FIT. Well, as usual, the first day can be a little hectic, even as a student who has already taken…

  • Friendships at FIT

    Hi Again, FIT! For my past two FIT classes, Intro to the Fashion Industry and Fashion Design Industry (the class I’m taking now), my good friend Grace and I have been taking these classes together. These classes have allowed us to grow closer and get to know one another better. It also makes the experience…

  • A Day at FIT With Me

    Hello Again! My favorite day of the week is Saturday because of [insert drum roll here]: FIT!!! After a long week of boring, pointless classes, I enjoy waking up early to come to the city. The only class I really like this year is AP Art History. Last week was really hard for me though.…

  • Expectations and What I’ve Learned So Far

    My expectations for Fashion Design Techniques are to learn how to drape and to learn how to place the muslin correctly on the dress form. I have noticed that the class is getting harder. I thought everything was easy until we went to put the muslin on the dress form…Let’s just say things didn’t go…