Tag: Alexander McQueen

  • Looking Ahead

    Hello everyone! How was your weekend? I was lucky enough to see the Alexander McQueen exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was incredible! If you are yet to see it, I highly recommend it;  it is definitely worth the long wait (we waited for two hours). Looking ahead to my future in the…

  • The Planet of Perfect Friendships

    Imagine yourself on a planet where everyone on this planet speaks the same strange language as you and enjoys the same activities as you-overwhelming-maybe, but perfect seems like a better word.  I used to imagine a place like this, until I started attending FIT Precollege classes, then I stopped imaging it and started living it. …

  • Portfolios & Performance Art

    Although college is still a ways away from me (being a sophomore and all), I still try to always keep in mind the importance of keeping a portfolio.  Even when I first became interested in art a young age, I carefully saved many of my pieces in a portfolio.  Last semester, I took Costume and…

  • When I Grow Up I Want to Be…

    A stylist! Being the next Rachel Zoe is my dream, but I’d rather work with magazines instead of celebrities. FIT has really helped me in learning more of what stylists do and how they do it. Last semester I took HDE 135: Photo-Styling for Magazines and Catalogues and More!, and it taught me so much…

  • Royal Distractions

    SHE WORE MCQUEEN!!!!!!! FJKLAGHOIAGAOLJFKLAYFA8OFH! I’m sorry, I needed to get that out of my system. I’m writing this on the day of the Royal Wedding, which I wasn’t even that excited about until I saw the dress. I’m a diehard Alexander McQueen fan, and I love how Sarah Burton has been carrying on his legacy,…