Saturday, what a great day, it just so happens to be my favorite day. My day to myself, and my day to do what I want, when I want; everything else can wait until Sunday. On Saturday mornings I start my best day off right. There’s no waking up on the wrong side of the bed on Saturdays when my alarm clock goes off at 7:24! Getting up so early in order to arrive FIT in time and also have the time to grab a coffee with my friend that travels with me by 9:15 isn’t always easy, but so worth it. Coming from Queens, I get dropped off at a small train station by my house; sometimes this is where I grab my first cup of coffee. As an avid coffee drinker, there is no such thing as too much coffee.
As soon as my train pulls into Penn Station, I go into mad dash mode; got to get that coffee. The hustle down to my favorite spot around FIT is one of excitement. If you’re looking for the best cup of coffee on all of 7th avenue, head to Gregory’s Coffee. Better than Starbucks (which is also en route to FIT), Gregory’s sells all different types of coffee, from Macchiato to café Americano. My personal favorites from Gregory’s are the caramel macchiatos, and their to die for chocolate chip cookies.

On my first day of class at FIT, having an art supply store (Barnes and Nobles) on campus came in handy. A great tip that may come in handy before your first class at FIT would be to check your student FIT account to make sure that any and all supplies required for the class are in your possession, beforehand. Something as simple as having all the supplies you need as soon as you need them is so rewarding and beneficial because you could focus on your artwork, without the hassle of have to pick up the supplies late. My Professor was very understanding and did not require me to visit Barnes and Nobles but, if you can while at FIT, make use of the on campus supplies.
Breaks at FIT are about 15 minutes long, just enough time to make it across 7th avenue to buy more coffee (usually where I end up going), or to buy a snack. Usually during breaks, my friends Sofia and Rachel and I make our way down to Dunkin Donuts on the other side of the street.
A restaurant that is worth trying near FIT is called Brgr. A healthy alternative to junk food, with the same great taste; Brgr only serves grass-fed meat. Known for not just their grass-fed cow jokes hanging across the walls, Brgr serves the best shakes around FIT. If you are a student taking two classes at FIT and you are wondering where to try for a great lunch, visit Brgr.
These are my favorite chill out spots this spring at FIT. I hope these come in handy; whether you’re in the mood for a burger or just some early morning coffee.
Thank you for reading this week!
Yours Truly,