Another semester over. Another twelve weeks of projects complete. Another three months of new information, new ideas, and new lessons to be learned. New friends to be made and new places to discover. This past semester was definitely one of my favorites so far, ranking up there with the first one I took, draping, and the Level Two drawing class last fall.
We were a big happy family, and a supportive one at that. The first week was full of nervous introductions, excitement over both the amazing spinny chairs, and awe of the bubbly professor we had. The second week had some solidly forming friendships and a more comfortable atmosphere. People were helping each other with the projects and sharing magazines, and everyone was starting to relax and have fun. Up until the hurricane, everything was great. Afterwards, everyone was so supportive, sympathetic, and sensitive. They were there for me when I almost cried about my chickens and listened when I needed to talk about what happened.
In the weeks that followed, FIT became even more of a safe haven for me. It became the place where I could get away from all the crazy happenings in Rockaway and the close quarters of my grandma’s house in Brooklyn. The girls in my class laughed and joked our troubles away, even if only for the few hours we had there per week.
We discovered our strengths, weaknesses, and talents beyond what anyone expected. Some people discovered hidden reserves of sewing talent just in time for their entrance portfolios, and others improved their drawings in leaps and bounds.
Personally, over the course of this class I discovered I can do anything. That there is more in me than I thought I knew. In the end, what is important will always work out. My drawings improved dramatically and I discovered a love for paper couture. I also made some friends who will last a long time.
So to everyone in my class, thank you. Thanks for dragging yourselves out of bed early each Saturday morning, to catch that bus or train for that ride you hate, and for taking the time each morning to dress up. Thank you to Professor Uvenio, who took the time to show me tiny little tricks with drawing that made everything so much better and for listening to my story the week after the storm. Thank you to everyone in the office for doing everything with the clothes and toys, and specifically to Ms. Nagel for telling me to work on my faces over the summer. I can’t wait for the spring semester!