Every Saturday morning, I wake up at 6AM and go about my usual morning routine. Sometimes, waking up this early on a Saturday is dreadful, but I constantly tell myself “You’re going to “fun school, remember?!” I know once I get to my class, I won’t regret waking up early and will wake up from my coma-like attitude.
After waking up, I continue my morning and go on the LIRR (8:10 train to Penn Station from Babylon). This train ride is less crowded than when I used to take the train during the week during my summer classes. The people are surprisingly much more normal on the weekend.
After blasting my music (Usually Nicki Minaj) for about and hour and 15 minutes, I arrive at Penn Station. As I walk through Madison Square Garden, onto the streets of NYC, a gust of wind greets me to the city that never sleeps. The rush begins and I make my way to FIT, the greatest place on earth.
I get a rush of adrenaline and continue up the escalators onto my class (Fashion Art for Fashion Designers). That’s when the excitement begins to build. We quickly start drawing and rendering and it makes the time go by so fast! Before you know it, I am halfway through the class and we have our 15 minute break. Usually, me and newest FIT friend, Alex, go to the FIT cafe which is right next to the FIT supply store. We usually order 2 Carmel Macchatas (Highly recommend it !!).
Once our class comes to an end, we go to Subway and get 2 foot long heros. After stuffing our faces, we go back on the train back to Long Island.

FIT weekend classes is filled of overall fun, creativity, and education that will help you in the fashion Industry. What do you do during your classes/breaks? Tell me here! 😀