Spring Break is Finally Here!

Spring break has finally dawned on us and now we can finally take somewhat of a mental break although some teachers feel the need to interrupt our mind break with 40 chapters of Pride and Prejudice, well thank goodness for Netflix!

With time off and our (us FIT precollege students) minds filled with 5 weeks worth of new knowledge, we’ll now have more time to expand and enhance our newly acquired skills and work on our midterm/ final projects. Our class’s project is to create 3 looks (1 casual day look, 1 career look, and 1 evening/special occasion look) for a specific customer/age group. For me, coming up with an idea for a look takes no time at all; It just comes to me. No lie, the other night a vision of a cobalt and aqua blue dress came to me in a dream! The actual process of getting it down on paper though, is the challenging part. But luckily with this class, I’m getting way better at it.

As much as i love spending part of my weekend going to Manhattan and be surrounded by fashion people doing what I love to do, I think i can handle not waking up early an extra day of the week and awkwardly sit very close to complete strangers for an hour for at least one Sunday. But in it’s entirety, I’ll miss going to class this week.

For the most part, my spring break will consist on me becoming a vegetable on either my bed or on my couch in front of my tv watching pretty much everything on Netflix Instant or playing Super Mario Galaxy. I’m obviously a real social butterfly, but I’ll try and fit sewing and finishing my midterm project into my busy schedule. Unlike most teenagers who refuse to be home for even longer than 5 minutes, I’ll be happily at home resting and relaxing watching my baby cousins with my boyfriend and putting my parents in debt because of my rekindled love for eBay. Fun right? Did I also mention I’ll be attending Lady Gaga’s Monster Ball? Oh yeah, that too. No big deal, just the biggest pop star on the planet right now, and I’m going to see her for the second time. This nonchalantness and refraining from using all caps and exclamation points is very hard for me, so I’ll just move on and say that this show will bring inspiration to me for my mid term project. Don’t worry though, my career look won’t end up being a leather bra and underwear set.


Paws up! -Talya



