Ideas, events, and publications from our library collections

  • Does your writing need citing?

    It’s paper writing time again on the FIT campus. It seemed like a good time to repost this pointer to the main citation style guides and our research guide How-Tos! “If you write it, cite it!” V&I post from 2016 We’ve got two good research guides on the subject. Check these for examples of common…

  • FIT Maker Minds event: wearable tech

    Hi, everyone! Just a heads up that we have a cool event coming up tomorrow in the Art Resources Lab! This is the first of 5 events in the Art Resources Lab on the 6th floor in the FIT Library. Please join us!

  • Magazine of the Week

    Hi, everyone!     This week’s MoW is a new one, Little White Lies. It is published 6x a year in London, UK, by the media company TCO. The first issue was published in January 2005. Like many of the newer titles we subscribe to, it is a passion project, begun on a whim, by…


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