Tag: Summer Live

  • Farewell FIT

    No exaggeration, my heart hurts knowing that my summer classes at FIT are over. These were easily the most interesting and independent 3 weeks I’ve ever experienced. In class today, we finished up our magazines and presented our final work to each other. I’m so proud of my magazine, but so many of my classmates did…

  • Critiques

    It’s incredible to think we’re nearing the home stretch of this FIT experience. It feels like not even a few days ago I was walking into orientation, wide eyed and ready to learn. Being at FIT has definitely broadened my horizons and taught me far beyond what I expected. Many of our lessons I’ve already been familiar…

  • Starting off the Summer

    Summer in New York City is never very much fun. The hot July sun beats down on the buildings, which in turn absorb the heat and effectively turns the city into an oven. FIT, located in midtown, is in the epicenter of this oven. Midtown is never a very pleasant place to be, with all…

  • In Case You Missed It: Junior Day 2013

    This Saturday, FIT had their first ever Junior Day! Junior Day was an entire day devoted to high school juniors looking to apply to FIT next year. They were given the chance to explore the campus with their friends and families, and were also able to check out some the amazing programs and activities available…

  • Guest Blogger: Kayleigh

    Nervous stomachs are natural when beginning a new summer program. New people you have never met before, camp counselors, and disgusting lunches. But FIT’s Precollege Program is nothing like this. During the hot summer, frigid winter, and beautiful spring, FIT offers many classes to middle school students and high school students in such subjects as…

  • Student Work: HGD 175 2-D Animation Using Adobe After-Effects

    Check out some of these student animations from Summer Live! This work comes from HGD 175 2-D Animation Using Adobe After-Effects (Level 2) Course Description: Used in producing television commercials, film credits, and web animations, Adobe After-Effects is software used by industry to create two-dimensional animations. Students will produce their own 30 second animations, text…