Tag: Photography

  • Congratulations Meghan!

    CONGRATULATIONS TO meghan WHO WAS JUST ACCEPTED TO FIT THIS FALL FOR ADVERTISING AND MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS! Student: Meghan Saphire Major: Advertising and Marketing Communications Courses taken in Precollege Programs include: HFS 180: Fabric Styling for Fashion HPH 168: Introduction to Traditional and Digital Photography HAC 063:  Careers in Advertising and Marketing Communications  Precollege High School Intern…

  • Pictures Hold Memories

    The feelings pictures leave you with can affect you for the rest of the day. This is the first thought I had upon entering FIT last Saturday. There was a huge display right at the front of my building with tons of different student’s photos. They were all hauntingly beautiful, each with a different story to tell. We’ll come back…

  • My great yet indecisive first day

    Do you guys feel that “first day” feeling the night before a new school year starts or even the night before FIT starts every semester? After having many “first day” experiences at FIT, I still find myself feeling the same amount of excitement time and time again. My day started with driving into the city,…

  • Re-Introducing Precollege Blogger: Michaela

    Hey everyone! It’s Michaela and I’m *back and better than ever* (insert Hess Truck commercial song here). Sorry guys, shake the commercial out of your head and let me introduce myself with a normal introduction, I’m Michaela, a 15 year old sophomore from Springfield, New Jersey who strives to make these Saturdays at FIT her…

  • Capturing moments

    I cannot believe that I already have to say goodbye to everyone! Writing for this blog came with sooo many benefits; it made me a better writer, it gave me a chance to inform other people about the AMAZING class I took at FIT, and I got a chance to show people all my accomplishments…

  • My Last Class

    I came into FIT on the last day of Summer Live with a mission: finish my magazine project. I had been working on the piece for the past three weeks, but still had so much to do before I could call it complete. The biggest task by far was to design and write my last…