Category: Tip of the Week

  • Fueling Your Fire

    Hi everyone! This week I wanted to focus on the heart of your inspirations. Sometimes narrowing down the specifics of what inspires you isn’t as simple as it may seem. You could draw inspiration from a big idea, such as nature or a certain location; or you could even pull inspiration from everyday household items…

  • Living The Pre(college) Life

    We’re growing up; some of us may not like it because we don’t know what to expect. For those of us thinking about college, reaching those teen years brings the question, “How am I going to handle college?”  Don’t just panic about the common app, try to prepare for the future with a hands-on approach.…

  • A Precollege Student’s Guide To Friendships at FIT

    “They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style.” – Carrie Bradshaw A little less than a year ago, on my first train ride home from the FIT Precollege Program, I found myself standing in the middle of Penn Station completely confused, alone, and not understanding…

  • 9 Places To Visit After Class!

    Hello readers! I hope everyone had a great weekend because I know I did. Class this week at FIT was very interesting. We learned all about color theory and how different colors can evoke different emotions from consumers. We also went on a tour of Fashion Underground: The World of Susanne Bartsch at The Museum…

  • Simply Styling!

    Hi everyone ! This week I wanted to touch base on one of my favorite interests, styling. Styling is amazing because you can express yourself in so many ways without ever saying a peep! Personally, I love almost all types of style, throughout the week you’ll see how flexible my wardrobe is and maybe even…

  • The Perks of Commuting

    Hello Readers! One of the funniest things I encounter when talking to my classmates from my Precollege courses is witnessing how wide their eyes grow the second I say I commute from Connecticut. It’s amusing to me how taken back some people are. Granted, it’s a long commute but I feel it’s worth it! I…