A Visit To Tibi Showroom

Last week, I got the chance to visit the Tibi showroom. Just the day before, I was browsing the Tibi website, trying to become more familiar with the label. I absolutely fell in love with the feminine style. Almost every piece had a very “relaxed” feeling to it. The NY State Of Mind collection greatly impressed me because it was such a contrast from the normal clean feeling of the other collections. It had a more edgy feel to it… beautiful pieces that were one of a kind. Tw train rides later, we arrived in Soho (b t dubs Soho is one of my favorite places to visit in the city). Finally, we found 666 Broadway. That day, 666 was nothing but a number. Nothing “unlucky” about it, just a passageway to inspire a bunch of high schoolers. My heart raced as we lifted up in the elevator. As we walked in, we witnessed a photo shoot going on for shoes to be posted on the website. It was almost a little weird to me that just the night before I was looking at their website, and the next, I get a peek at whats new to the website… before it even gets posted. Overall, it was a great experience. I absolutely loved the environment at their showroom, definitely somewhere I would want to someday work! A few blocks down and only several minutes later, we visited the Tibi store on Wooster Street. To be honest, I would buy everything in that store. Only thing stopping me is the fact that my parents would probably murder me…

Inspiration is key to success. Keep your eyes, mind, and heart open to be inspired.


**PS: I posted more photos on our Flickr website!**



