In The Halls: Pilar

Student: Pilar (14) from NYC
Program: Summer Live
Pre-College Courses: HAP 025 Sewing for Fashion Designers
Describe your personal style? I think my style is very unique because I never am just edgy, I’m edgy with some prep, or I’m hipster with some funk.
Where do you go on your breaks from class?
  I go to Starbucks or I just stay in the class and work or talk to my friends.
What is your favorite thing about FIT? I love how FIT offers so many different fashion classes. 
FIT really prepares people for the fashion world because of all the hands on work.
Who or what inspires you?
 I think living in NYC inspires me. Just seeing all the stores and outfits people wear can give me inspiration.
What do you want to do after you graduate from college? I want to start my own fashion line in NYC.




