Student: Alondra (16) Bronx, NY Program: Saturday Live
Precollege Course:�
HFM 60: Fashion Forecasting: Seeing Into the Future
Describe your personal style?
The way I’d describe my personal stlye is comfortable, casual, with a little nit of a dressy aspect to it. I like simple jewelry and pops of color incorporated into my outfits. I’m more on the girly side.
Where do you go on your breaks from class?
On my break, I usually go to local stores, to eat, or to look at clothes.
What is your favorite thing about FIT?
My favorite thing about FIT is the fact that as students here, we have access to trend forecasdting services (such as Donegar, WWD, and StyleSight) that help us get out foot in the door.
Who or what inspires you?
I’m inspired by how much fashion changes. I love to see different styles evolve, such as “Punk/Rock”, “Hobo”, “Preppy”, etc. I also am inspired by street fashion.