In The Halls: Chet-Lunn

Student: Chet-Lunn (15) Westchester
Program: Saturday Live
Precollege Course:�
HPM 067: Manual Patternmaking and Sewing

Describe your personal style?
I really love a grungy, yet composed style. I’m obsessed with prints, but not so much to make me look like a Hawaiian tourist.

Where do you go on your breaks from class?
I eat. Food is my guilty pleasure. Just food.

What is your favorite thing about FIT?
I love the creativity FIT provides for their students. It is a great and accepting college.

Who or what inspires you?
I’m inspired by people all over the world and all different cultures. I also am inspired by dramatic prints.

What do you want to do after you graduate from college?
I hope to work at a big fashion company, and eventually launch my own brand.




