My final project: that’s been a pretty hot topic in my agenda for the past couple of days. I’m embarrassed to admit my time management is terrible and that after I finish this post I will not only begin my project, but finish it all in the same night. I have let procrastination get the best of me and now have to pay the cost by sitting in the house on a Friday night in order to contribute my part of my partner designer final project.
Me and my partner’s task is to pick a designer, define their characteristics and what influence there work, as well as what influence they have over the fashion industry today. My love for Christian Dior’s “New Look,” 8 shape silhouette led me to choose his immense collection, dating all the way back to his breakout collection in 1947 which forever changed the fashion industry and the way women dressed.
I may talk a good talk, but I had to do a lot of research in order to really understand Dior and see beauty the way he used to. But it wasn’t just facts and memorization; working with a partner is always difficult no matter how close or distant you are to your partner. My partner, Sydney, and I live in the same town, go to the same school, yet never had the chance to get together and complete our project. So as she visits colleges down South, we communicate and try to separate each of our responsibilities, while also trying to forget the fact that we have less than 24 hours to start and finish this project. I always joke with my friends and say I work better under pressure and receive better grades when I cram, but at this point my exhaustion is slowly taking over my body. Before I graduate high school, I may have to reevaluate my study habits and work ethic.