Honoring Excellence Among the FIT Faculty

At the end of the academic year, when student projects dominate the campus, I know that faculty members are very proud, as they should be. I am proud, too–for nothing better exemplifies our faculty’s pedagogical strengths as well as their dedication than the remarkable work their students produce. That is why–three years ago–I established this Faculty Awards Celebration. I wanted an opportunity to bring together in one room and at one time those members of the FIT faculty whose outstanding work deserve special recognition–and thanks.

This year, we met in the Haft Auditorium, and it was, again, a wonderful occasion. It seemed to me that every moment was special–as were the many and diverse accomplishments for which each of our honorees was being lauded, yet another reminder of the richness and depth of our faculty’s range and expertise. We had promotions, diversity and sustainability grant winners; sabbatical grantees; we had retirees to acknowledge and SUNY Chancellor Awards for Excellence awardees–as well as two winners of the FIT Faculty Excellence Award and the winner of the President’s Award for Faculty Excellence.

And thanks to our jewelry department, we were able to bestow, for the first time ever, a President’s Award for Faculty Excellence medal. This beautiful silver and lapis piece was created under the leadership of Michael Coan and designed and crafted by Wendy Yothers and Kim Nelson. I look forward to bestowing it to many deserving recipients in the years ahead.

President's Award for Faculty Excellence
President’s Award for Faculty Excellence