Seeing Stars with Emmanuel Agwam
“The stars and big smiles around Black figures in my portraits tell the viewer that this is a person who deserves to be present and that the person deserves to ‘shine.’” – Emmanuel Agwam, Illustration (‘22). The smiles, stars and bright symbols in Emmanuel Agwam’s portraits express “a positive perspective on Black people and Black…
Jasmine Garoosi: compassion, art and social distancing
Since her college experience was dramatically altered by COVID-19, two things have been brought into greater focus for Photography major Jasmine Garoosi: her mother and her photography. To help her mother by day, means having to hone her craft by night. “My mom is working full time as a guidance counselor but she has so…
Students Shape Pellon for Macy’s Far-Out Flower Show
One might think that Pellon, a stiff fabric usually used for linings, might have limited design options. Not so. In Prof. Susanna Moyer’s class students had no trouble crafting wildly diverse designs that captured the outer space theme of this year’s Macy’s Flower Show. Here’s what several students themselves said about their work. Victoria Oxer’s…
Mariam Khan’s “Don’t Triptych” project addresses anxieties of Gen Z digital world
Graphic design student Mariam Khan (’20) is immersed in a digital world. One can see quickly that she excels at merging imagination and digital design, her medium of expression, to great effect. Born into a technology era considered synonymous with “Generation Z,” she is ever aware of its perils, of the mental distress and maladies…