There are two garish babes bursting with vanity and a gloating cross-legged, primed prima dona. There are the furious fat spider, a he-man who boasts, and a lecherous pair of wide-open mouths sporting minks’ teeth. An ominous, famished figure sits eerily among them while a lazy daydreamer lies pathetic and inert.
Jealousy, vanity, famine, greed and rage are on display in terrifying, cartoonish proportions on the 3rd floor of the Pomerantz center. These creatures originated in Professor Dan Shefelman’s contemporary media class.
A group of very self-absorbed, miserable louts share space together.
Pandora’s original box came with a heavy lock. These evils are contained in a plexiglass covered display case.
The dysfunctional contents of Pandora’s Box.
photos: Dan Shefelman
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