A service provider’s experience hiring another service provider.

I asked a recent client, Gabriel Bobeck, to write about his experience in putting up a web site for his small business (http://www.craniosacralplus.com). I think his take on the experience, in his own words,  explains  more and better than anything I could write. We’ve all been on both sides of this process, but often forget what the client experience can be like. Hopefully, this will provide you with some insight — and empathy — for your customers, no matter what your product or service is.

“Creating a website for my bodywork therapy practice was an educational and eye-opening experience.  I thought I knew what I was doing since I’d already had a webpage and biopage affiliated with another company’s site. When that company folded it was time to bite the bullet and get my own site.

I knew Sandra Holtzman but didn’t know her marketing company also created websites.  When we started talking and I decided to work with her but the money was a hurdle. My brother found a contact for a much cheaper web designer.  It sounded great but when I looked at that company’s own site it was boring, blocky and very ordinary.  I had a bit of a crisis but realized I could be penny wise and pound foolish or do it right with Sandra.

The process itself was difficult for me, mostly because of my ignorance and lack of trust.  This was my first experience with a marketing firm and I was on a steep learning curve.  It took a number of disappointments and back and forth to finally let go and trust that Sandra’s people knew what they were doing.”


Next week…Specific examples of learning to trust the people you’ve hired.

Sandra Holtzman teaches CEO 035: Licensing.