Behind the Scenes at New York Fashion Week
Fashion Week is an especially exciting time for FIT’s students—and not only for those studying fashion design. It offers all of our students the opportunity to work behind the scenes as interns and become acquainted with the true “nuts and bolts” of this vibrant part of the New York City culture and economy. Fashion Week…
FIT’s First Ever Summer Institute
For four intensive days in June, FIT was a hotbed of sustainability study and activity as we inaugurated our first Summer Institute–an interdisciplinary program that focused specifically on sustainability in fashion and textiles. Designed for industry professionals and academics, it answered a growing need for information on the part of those who want to broaden…
Networking with FIT Alumni and Corporate Partners
This spring I had the pleasure of co-hosting alumni receptions at three different New York companies: Estee Lauder, Lafayette 148, and Ralph Lauren. Our goal, first and foremost, was to provide our alumni an opportunity to get to know one another as FIT alums. We have been surprised to learn from our corporate partners that…