Welcome to our 70th Year
Whenever we start a new academic year, I count my blessings. Living as we do in a world incessantly ablaze, it is gratifying to return to FIT and to focus anew on the business and challenges of my “work-a-day” life. Fortunately for me, and I believe for everyone at FIT, the work we do is…
Why Teens (and Pre-Teens!) Love FIT
It seems oddly quiet—and calm—on campus this week, and I know why. Our summer precollege programs, which this year brought 2,000 teens and preteens to campus, just ended. While we always have college students taking courses during the summer, they seem to disappear into the ether when these highly energized youngsters arrive. With an astonishing…
FIT’s Rooftop Natural Dye Garden
I love gardens and have always enjoyed the greenery on the 9th floor terrace of the Marvin Feldman Center. But little did I expect that one day we would have growing there a veritable kingdom of plant life: fennel and hollyhocks, indigo, purple cabbage, rosemary and zinnias, Black eyed Susans, Queen Anne’s lace, purple basil.…
Green Roofs Growing at FIT
Four years ago, we planted our first green roof; today we are planting our third and our plan is to install a green roof on every one of our campus buildings as part of our long-term commitment to the environment. As someone who loves to garden, the thought of having those thousands of square feet…