Welcome to our 70th Year
Whenever we start a new academic year, I count my blessings. Living as we do in a world incessantly ablaze, it is gratifying to return to FIT and to focus anew on the business and challenges of my “work-a-day” life. Fortunately for me, and I believe for everyone at FIT, the work we do is…
Creativity & Business
In a meeting on campus not long ago, we were talking about creativity in the context of FIT when one of the people present said, “Creativity is rewritten at FIT every day.” That really struck a chord with me–and I think with others in the room–because it is a kind of global statement that rings…
Why Teens (and Pre-Teens!) Love FIT
It seems oddly quiet—and calm—on campus this week, and I know why. Our summer precollege programs, which this year brought 2,000 teens and preteens to campus, just ended. While we always have college students taking courses during the summer, they seem to disappear into the ether when these highly energized youngsters arrive. With an astonishing…
The Creative Process and Critical Thinking
As I walked through the exhibits of our graduating Art and Design students at the end of the spring semester, I was reminded of a wonderful story about the composer Johannes Brahms that people like to tell when talking about creativity–or the creative process. One evening in Vienna, so the story goes, Brahms was with…