Size??? Depends on the store…

I don’t know about you, but I hate shopping for pants. Why? Because I never know what size I am and how each brand will fit me. For me tops aren’t hard to shop for, but pants… FORGET IT. When I find a pair that fit, I buy a few pairs so I don’t have to go through the process again any time soon. Now only if the fashion industry would create some sort of sizing rules that would make things easier…



One Size Fits Nobody: Seeking a Steady 4 or a 10
Published: April 24, 2011
In one store, you’re a Size 4, in another a Size 8, and in another a Size 10 — all without gaining an ounce. It’s a familiar problem for many women, as standard sizing has never been very standard…

2 thoughts on “Size??? Depends on the store…

  1. This is really a problem with working with so many factories in places where sizing is very different – as in the Indian Sub-continent, the Pacific Rim countries, etc. Good technical designers are needed who can write instructions to these factories all around the world.

  2. Regardless of the size, this is a big challenge for everyone! When working with clients, it can sometimes take upwards of 7-10 pairs before we ‘get it right.’ I couldn’t agree more with the philosphy of buying multiples – especially if you plan to wear them with flats and heels.

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