Category: faculty work

  • Driftwood inspires DeManuelle’s new works

    Fine Arts chair Stephanie DeManuelle is branching out. New works, inspired by a multi-twigged piece of driftwood, were on display last month at the Corscaden Arts & Barn Gallery in Keene Valley, NY.  Three were oil paintings and another was an oil and charcoal on panel. The Essex County town of Keene Valley is also the origin of the driftwood…

  • Ellenbogen films what the eye can’t see

    There was a lot of talk about “swimming with the fishes” in Boston this summer as the trial of famed mobster “Whitey” Bulger got underway. But underwater photographer Keith Ellenbogen really was swimming with marine animals of an amazing sort. For  New England Aquarium‘s 2013 ad campaign. Ellenbogen’s high-speed images of a lionfish, blacknose shark…

  • We’re telling on Roberto Vasi

    There’s a new men’s shoe line being advertised as the “Don’t ask– Don’t tell” of military style shoes.  But tell we must!   The Roberto Vasi line began as  a business partnership formed in a class taught by Accessories Design Professor Vasilios Christofilakos 20+ years ago. “My God we had fun!” Vasilios recalls of the sketching accessories…

  • eco beauty trophies to behold

    Raising of eco-consciousness has long been taking place in the perfume and cosmetics industry. Now there are awards for how well that raised awareness manifests into a meaningful response. Jewelry Design Professor Wendy Yothers recently designed four trophies, in two different styles, for the Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW)  and the Educational Foundation for the Fashion Industries.…

  • Romans, goddesses & cats–Vincent Arcilesi’s mix of modern life & myth

    Immersion in Ancient Rome happened easily for Fine Arts professor Vincent Arcilesi while on sabbatical in Rome in 2009.  His paintings of contemporary Romans wandering about the empire, seem to suggest a total accessibility to the ancient world.  His series “Arcilesi in Rome,” work he did while on sabbatical, will be on display at the   from May…