Along the Hudson
These days, Professor Kingsley Parker of Communication Design, views stretches of the Hudson River from the window of a commuter train on his way to and from FIT. Represented in a 63-foot-long installation of sailors’ navigational routes overlaid on tarps, are scenes of life Parker has observed along the River. His installation, “Up River, now on…
Watch it here! The fine art of Stephanie DeManuelle
“The filmmaker shows the way artists think and work to overcome obstacles and get past their struggles. Artists work their way through things…It verifies what art students are doing,” – Stephanie DeManuelle, Chair of Fine Arts On Monday November 14, a film screening of “The Art of Stephanie DeManuelle,” was held in a lecture room packed…
Fine Art as Book Art
Pastel strokes and earth tones introduce a new book by playwright and novelist, Joanna Gunderson. The front and back cover art for “she or the unknown person,” was created by Fine Arts Department Chair, Stephanie DeManuelle. The 159-page paperback was recently published by Red Dust, Inc. Prominent in DeManuelle’s work, and what can be seen in her book cover…
What Anne Kong Did on Her Summer Vacation
Professor Kong made good use of the City this summer, especially the City’s landmarks and statues. The Visual Presentation and Design professor created 15 giant Skullcandy Aviator headphones for a guerrilla marketing advertising campaign that was to announce the company going public. It went beyond the normal product shot–way beyond. Do you need a swelled head…