Category: Accessory Design

  • FIT students clutch finalist spots in handbag contest

    Thanks to three FIT students, “Handbag Decision Paralysis,” may become more serious for the handbag obsessed. Coined by Wall St. Journal reporter Rachel Dodes, the term playfully refers to those with “commitment phobia in the accessories milieu.” In early May it was announced that FIT’s Stephanie Carnes, Palwasha Iqbal and Kathleen Friedman were finalists in the…

  • We’re telling on Roberto Vasi

    There’s a new men’s shoe line being advertised as the “Don’t ask– Don’t tell” of military style shoes.  But tell we must!   The Roberto Vasi line began as  a business partnership formed in a class taught by Accessories Design Professor Vasilios Christofilakos 20+ years ago. “My God we had fun!” Vasilios recalls of the sketching accessories…

  • Ugly shoes or “out of the stratosphere?”

    “There are far more ugly pairs [of shoes] in the world than pretty ones,” according to New York magazine’s fashion blog “The Cut,” which recently featured a slideshow, “The 50 Ugliest Shoes in History.”  Tossed from the closet are the ungainly Uggs, smelly-looking Birkenstocks, dependable Doc Martins and other anatomically correct species. It’s those of the uber-fashion…

  • A tip o’ the hat to the Millinery Certificate Program

    This spring representatives of Milliners Guild Inc. came to FIT to pay homage and help promote the Millinery Certificate program. It’s the very program, according to Vasilios Christofilakos, chair of Accessories Design, that helped launch the careers of many of today’s top milliner designers such the Guild’s current president Linda Ashton.  Vasilios Christofilakos, Accessories Design Chair…

  • Accessory design students turn to everyday objects for their last sculpture

    “I tell the students I love it when they have to stand on a chair to reach their project,” says Fine Arts Prof. Barry Sigel about the Accessory Design students who take his 3-D Design course.  For their final assignment, students had to make geometrical figures out of everyday objects. “This is a really inventive…