Tag: textile history

  • Technology threads: a tale of textile history

    In this brave new world, designers and techies are trying to apply new technologies to improve a very old one: clothing. The history of clothing, fashion, culture, and technology are deeply embedded in the history of textiles. I started to write about new tech developments in fashion and fabric, but then I got excited, as…

  • Well-knit codes

    A colleague here sent around this cool article about WWI and WWII spies who used knitting to code observations for the Resistance. It seems unlikely to me that a lot of knitters went to the trouble to learn codes in order to report findings, it seems perfectly reasonable that a person might use knitting or…

  • These old threads…

    Hi, everyone! Welcome back. The first few weeks of class are super busy here in the library, as well as for you all, and we’re just catching up. We didn’t want to let the month slip away without giving a shout out to an event near and dear to our hearts: New York Textile Month!…