Tag: knitting

  • Magazine of the Week

    Hi, everyone! Mag of the Week time again! Winter break brings us relief from homework. Suddenly all that time you spent finishing class projects is your own again! Time for movies, time to sleep late, time to cook, see family, and hang out with friends. For me, this includes time for knitting again!   This…

  • Well-knit codes

    A colleague here sent around this cool article about WWI and WWII spies who used knitting to code observations for the Resistance. It seems unlikely to me that a lot of knitters went to the trouble to learn codes in order to report findings, it seems perfectly reasonable that a person might use knitting or…

  • Textiles Speak

    Because textiles are such an integral part of culture, we give them meaning. One traditional, recurring  subject is solidarity with a political group. This week, the week of an new presidential administration, has stirred up a lot of feelings*. Some of these feelings are being played out in pink, knit hats. Yay, for textiles, front…