Tag: history

  • Vines and Whorls from the Anglo-Saxons

    Last month I wrote a bit about my obsession with curving vines and acanthus leaves.  Someone at the British Museum must have heard my cry, and just posted this about how to decode (and thereby reuse!) the complicated knots and whorls of Anglo-Saxon art.  The British Museum being the foremost holder of such treasures, not…

  • Making It Up

    Here at FIT, we have many resources that offer possibilities to inspire you.  As I reshelved materials one morning, I came across a title from the 1950s that I’d never looked at before.  It offers patterns and measurements for laying out a range of fashionable contemporary garments.  Since I love that era for fashion, I…

  • From Winter Blues into Rainbows of Ornament

        I am one of those people who hates the drear of winter time.  It’s a time of year when everything seems muted, gray, dingy, and brown.  I feel muffled and dulled by so many coats and scarves and such heavy boots. The best cure for this I have ever found is to play…