Tag: fashion designers

  • Fashion’s fantasies on film, pt. 2

    When I began this post a few weeks ago, I was surprised to find out how often the worlds of fashion design and film design overlapped. It turns out that Hollywood has always snapped up fashion’s best creators the same way they have done with writers and stories. Many fashion designers also have entries in…

  • Star Wars: The Merchandise Awakens

    The designer’s job is to take buzz and capitalize upon it. This is also the marketer’s job, and the ones who work for George Lucas and Disney Inc. are the best in the world. Did you know a new Star Wars movie was opening December 18? If you didn’t, allow me to point out at…

  • Magazine of the Week

    This week we have an oldie but a goodie.  From the streets of Manhattan, here is the downtown magazine that introduced Bill Cunningham to the fashionista world.  The library has a complete run of this title. Although it was converted to a menswear magazine in the late 1990s, it continues to be a fashionable alternative…